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Only the lost is eternally owned 

Photo: Eline Benjaminsen
Contributors: Herman Brede Enkerud, Herman Brede Enkerud, Frida Vige Helle, Io Alexa Sivertsen, Lea Gyoung                                                                                                Music: Magnus Skaug, Martin Hellem                                     

Performative fashion show
For Rococo Loco 
Boksen, 2024

The performance piece Only the lost is eternally owned was a spontaneous endeavor. Inspired by my collection, Rococo Loco, of seashells and shoreline finds, I utilized these elements along with other associated materials to craft a clothing collection. Reflecting on the process, I thought of how shells are a protective mechanism for mollusks, yet it is a threat to humans and our shores. I also drew parallels to the creation of pearls which are actually made from the oyester’s response to foreign particles. The oyester polishes the particles and produce scar tissue until they become pearls. This interaction between beauty and pain fascinated me. Thereof the title Only the lost is eternally owned, that refers to how we carry with us our traumas in our bodies. This conceptualization led to the creation of a performative fashion show aimed at showcasing 
the resulting pieces.